Make an Impact.

JOTNO offers several opportunities for individuals and organizations to work with our team.


JOTNO is eager to explore partnerships with like-minded organizations. Through our partnerships, we hope to create teams for positive change. If you are interested in partnering with JOTNO, please fill out the form below.


JOTNO encourages students and recent graduates to join us in the development and implementation of our programs. JOTNO offers flexible, individualized opportunities based on the intersection between our needs and your interests. For more information, please fill out the form below.


Currently JOTNO has partnered with the University of Michigan School of Social Work to offer independent study opportunities for current University of Michigan Students. Our first independent study course will be offered in the Winter 2023 term. Click here for more information.

Get in touch.

Support can come in many shapes and forms. JOTNO welcomes all kinds of meaningful engagement— including donations, volunteering, and partnerships.

Please use the form to reach out to us! Someone from our team will contact you promptly.